I am so grateful to be able to introduce myself to you.

Hello there!

My name is Kimberlee Rose Smith. I am a realistic landscape artist living in Knoxville, TN. My life and business is fueled by ministering to souls and reflecting God’s stunning creation on canvas. I pray to be a vessel of peace through painting misty mountains, forests of trees, crashing waves, billowing clouds, babbling brooks, still lakes, grassy hillsides, wildflowers, and more. I am filled to the brim with gratitude to share my work with you.

  • Purpose

    I wholeheartedly believe that landscape painting is one of God's unique callings for my life. I am so grateful to steward the gifts He has given me in a way that I pray blesses other's souls forever.

    I am so grateful for my entrepreneurship, it also allows for stay at home motherhood . I pray to inspire my children to be little creators, pursuing their God-given gifts, and giving Him glory with their lives.

    (Pictured above: my husband Josh, my son Noble, and I in our hometown Knoxville, TN)

  • Inspiration

    I find the deepest inspiration for my artwork in scripture. I seek to set aside time daily to meet with my Savior and read His Word. On the first layer of all of my paintings I write a passage from the Bible that I feel called to dedicate that specific piece to. And along with my signature on the back of the canvas I write what the scripture inspiration was for that piece. I am at peace if my name is forgotten when I am no longer on this earth, but what I desperately desire is for others to come to know their Creator and Sustainer. He gave me my abilities and my life, all I want to do is give Him the glory.

  • Studio

    I converted what should have been a storage closet into my studio. Yes, you read that right... a closet. My sweet, little studio is a five foot by seven foot room and I couldn't be happier in here. I am free to make messes and let paint splatter on these walls. Along with the splattered remnants from hundreds of paintings you would also find my obsession with tiny detail paint brushes and countless tubes of acrylic paint (specifically Liquitex and Golden acrylics - they have some of the finest quality pigments and hues). My studio is just my perfect little place of peace. I love it so much.